Showing posts with label Candle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candle. Show all posts


Moses and the Burning Bush

(Exodus 3:1-15)

An easy craft for this lesson has been around for a long time. Sometimes the older, well tested ones are the best. I like that this one can cross over to many different age groups just by varying the style of the flames.


Clear plastic cups
Red, orange and yellow tissue paper
Brown and green Sharpies
Battery operated tea lights
Scissors (optional - for cutout flames)
Clear glue (not pictures, optional - for torn flames)

I found everything at the Dollar Store making this a super cheap craft. 

At Home Before Prep:


Cutting matt
Rotary cutter 
   (I know it is tempting, but do not use your fabric rotary cutter for this. Buy a rotary cutter to use on paper. Both cutters will last longer and perform better if you dedicate one to fabric only and the other to paper only. Just say'n.)

1. With the setting on low, iron the tissue paper to get it nice and smooth.

2. Cut the tissue into 9"x 9" squares with the rotary cutter. Each child will need one square of each color.

That's it for the prep work!

Class Instructions:

1. Ask each child to draw and color a bush on the outside of a cup.
2. Give each child one square of each color tissue paper and a tea light. 
For smaller kids (kindergarten): have them layer the tissue yellow, orange and red with the corners alternating in direction. 
For a little older (1st & 2nd grade): ask them to tear the paper into pieces and glue to the inside of the cup.
For even older kids (3rd & up): allow them to cut flame shapes all around the edges of each piece of tissue.
3. Place the tea lights in the center of the tissues. 

4.Gather up the edges around the tea light to make a pouch. 
5. Place the pouch inside the cup and fluff out the edges of the tissue.

Kindergarten version:

1st and 2nd grade version:

3rd grade and up version:

There you have it; your very own burning bush!

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